How Website SEO Is Like Going To Networking Events… Only Better.

If you’ve never been to a networking event, specifically a business networking event, it’s a group of business owners, sales staff, business development managers that all meet together to work together to find new clients or to offer their services to other people there. They are great fun and there are so many different types of events now that you …

Why WordPress is Best for SEO and Web

I love WordPress. For years though, I was adamant that WordPress was only good for blogging, and that building a custom theme was an insane amount of work. For years though, I was adamant that WordPress was only good for blogging, and that building a custom theme was an insane amount of work. Like most humans, I had to have …

7 Things You Need To Know About SEO

You’re a small business and want to invest in some search engine optimisation (SEO) for your website… But what is it and what should you know before you start? Basically, it gets you more customers. Terms that are used often are: Keywords: It mean the terms that people search, for example, ‘beauticians perth’ is a keyword. Also, ‘best beautician perth’ …

3 tools to optimise your website images

One of the most important areas of SEO is the loading speed of your website. Images play a big part in this, but if you use the right tools, you can keep your site in tip-top shape! Tool 1: Summary – Optimise a single image. For compressing an image to it’s smallest possible size BUT maintaining the quality AND the pixel …

Why You Should Have Your Business Site Managed

You’ve just launched your website, congratulations! The images are current, all of your team members on the site are the actual ones in the office and all the content on the site talks about current relevant legislation. Fast forward 2 months… You’ve done some great work but no one knows about it as it’s not on the website. You would …