16 Productivity Tools You Need To Know About

Productivity tools are always good to keep up-to-date with. With more and more demand to keep track and control of social media, website, email, blogging etc there is a need for more ways to help keep you keep on top of it all. That’s why I made this list of some of the ones I use all the time. Hope you …

Jasper AI feature image

Jasper AI Review – features and functionality

Welcome to techwhisperer’s quick dive into all the features and functionality of Jasper AI review (formerly known as Jarvis AI) Jasper AI Feature Review Want to try Jasper AI? With this link you can get 10,000 word for free! Where you can YOU benefit with Jasper? Jasper AI pricing Annual subscriptions get you a 17% discount and with that you …

What Is The Best Online Video Maker?

So, if you’ve been on the internet you would have noticed that videos are everywhere. In this post I’ll be reviewing the best free online video tools. With more and more videos being produced it makes sense that tools are coming out that enable the humble online traveler to be able to create their own simple but powerful videos for …

Website Maintenance – Full Guide

What is website maintenance? What is involved? How do you carry it out? Can you do it yourself or should you outsource it? In this guide, I’ll be answering all these questions. Why do you need to maintain your website? You’ve just launched your perfect, super-awesome-cool website! Congratulations! What now? You need to keep your site fresh with content, keep …

WordPress vs Wix vs SquareSpace vs Webflow – Which is best in 2023?

Today we’ll go through 4 online website creation tools to discover “Which is the BEST online page builder”. Wix, SquareSpace, WordPress and Webflow. They all have their own page builder so that you can create websites without any use of code. There will be categories for each: Ease of use of their page builder Speed – How fast it loads, …

Secrets Behind My Best Ranking Page

Do you want to know how to rank on google? Of course you do! It’s the most effective form of marketing you can get! In this post, I’ll share with you the secrets behind how I have done it on my blog so you can do the same with yours! Update: I have a slightly better performing blog post called “What …

Get a Google Business Page to have a Local Listing

The best SEO tip I can give you is to setup a Google Business Page. Google business pages are free. It will get your site listed on the top of page 1 (depending on the number of competition and how many reviews you have). Google Maps will have your business listed on it. You’ll be able to send your clients …

QUESTION: Should you be doing your own SEO?

DIY SEO: Is it a good or bad thing? Can you be doing more damage by attempting to rank your own site if you aren’t an expert on the subject? That’s what I hope to answer in this blog post. As Google keeps improving its searches, any article that doesn’t help the search achieve their goals is going to soon …

EXPERIMENT: I took 7 months off from SEO and why you probably shouldn’t

This post will show you what happens when you stop your SEO work. Spoiler… it’s not pretty if do. Just as an FYI, I did not take this time off on purpose. Clients came in, work priorities took my attention from my own search ranking focus. This will happen in small businesses, so I thought I’d share with you what happened …

Google Posts – What Are They and Why Should I Use Them?

Google has added Google posts to your Google local listing. This is a great way to showcase some of your products! This is more than just another place to post content. If you have a product, event or service to offer then adding this to your Google Business Page is a must. I wrote a blog post on how to …